sigma package

The core functionality of this package comes from the sigma.schema module which handles parsing sigma rule files into Python-native objects. A majority of the parsing and validation comes from pydantic. The conditional language and detection field mappings are parsed using a grammar constructed with the pyparsing module. Loading a rule into memory is as easy as using the Rule.from_yaml method to load a rule file.

Along with the ingestion of rules, you can also modify sigma rules and save them back to disk. Modifications to the in-memory rule can be saved using the to_sigma() method which returns a JSON and YAML-serializable dictionary.

Lastly, a framework for transformation and serialization of rules is also implemented to assist in ingesting sigma rules into a variety of platforms. Serializers can be defined in Python classes or through YAML configuration files. A serializer configuration also contains a list of transformations which can make inline modifications to the rule and/or it’s detection conditions during serialization (such as field re-mapping). For more details on serializers, see sigma.serializer. For more details on transformations, see sigma.transform.

Loading a Rule and Converting to EQL and KQL
from sigma.schema import Rule
from sigma.serializer import Serializer

# Construct serializers for EQL and KQL languages
# using built-in serializers
eql = Serializer.from_yaml("eql")
kql = Serializer.from_yaml("kql")

# Load a rule
rule = Rule.from_yaml("rules/windows/process_creation/win_susp_net_execution.yml")

# Dump the rule
print(f"======== {rule.title} by {} ========")
print(f"EQL Query: {eql.serialize(rule)}")
print(f"KQL Query: {kql.serialize(rule)}")