Creating Rule Serializers

Rule serializers are simple classes which inherit from Serializer and implement the serialize() method. This method takes a rule or list of rules, and returns arbitrary data which represents some transformed and converted rule.


Serializer configuration is defined through the SerializerClass.Schema class. This class must inherit from CommonSerializerSchema, which is a pydantic model.

Defining serializer configuration schema
from typing import List

from sigma.serializer import CommonSerializerSchema, Serializer
from sigma.utils import CopyableSchema

class CustomSerializer(Serializer):
    class Schema(CommonSerializerSchema):
        my_config: str
        other_config: List[int]

        class Config(CopyableSchema):
            schema_extra = CommonSerializerSchema.Config.copy_schema(example_extra={
                "my_config": "hello world",
                "other_config": [1,2,3,4,5],


The definition of a Config is optional, but recommended. Defining examples allows users to utilize the sigma schema serializer command to view examples for your schema configuration.


Using the CopyableSchema base class allows future users to who may extend your serializer to easily extend your own example schemas as well. The CommonSerializerSchema.Config <sigma.serializer.CommonSerializerSchema.Config class is an example which provides the copy_schema method to duplicate the schema_extra field with extra example data easily.

After defining your schema, you can access the active configuration at runtime via the self.schema property which will be an instance of your custom schema class.

Configured Transformations

The CommonSerializerSchema configuration contains a list of optional transformations which should be applied prior to serialization. You can access the list of loaded transformations with self.transforms and apply transformations in your serialize() method with the Rule.transform method. You should only apply rule transformations if the transform argument is True. This is to enable easier chaining of serializers through inheritence.

Example Serializer

The following is an extremely basic (and mostly useless) serializer. It will apply any configured transformations, and then return a simple repr of the conditional expression.

from typing import Union, List

from sigma.serializer import Serializer
from sigma.schema import Rule

class CustomSerializer(Serializer):
    def serialize(self, rule: Union[Rule, List[Rule]], transform: bool = True):
        if isinstance(rule, list):
            return [self.serialize(r) for  r in rule]

        if transform:
            rule = rule.transform(self.transforms)

        return repr(rule.detection.expression)